I want to share something

What can you do?

Have you personally experienced unwanted behavior?

  • Take your feelings seriously and talk to someone you trust.
  • Speak with the person involved. Discuss what’s bothering you.
  • Does this not feel right, is this not helpful, or do you need assistance on how to handle this best? Contact your academic advisor.
  • If you prefer not to do this for any reason, contact one of the confidential advisors. You decide what to share, and there are no obligations.

Were you present when something unpleasant happened?

  • Talk to the person it happened to.
  • Ask how they are doing and offer your help.
  • If you didn’t say anything at the time, do it now. Make it discussable.
  • If you’re unsure how to do this, find it difficult, or if the person involved prefers not to, ask help from a mentor, coach or study advisor.
  • If this is not possible or you’d rather not, contact one of the confidential advisors.

What can help you?

  • Use the Rules for Feedback for giving and receiving feedback.
  • Write down what happened and how it made you feel. Seek support from a friend, fellow student, or teacher/mentor if needed.
  • Save any emails, texts, or app messages, or write down what actually happened.

Were you present when something unpleasant happened?

  • Find a quiet place (without bystanders) to discuss what you witnessed.
  • Describe objectively and in detail what you saw happening and how it affected you.
  • Listen to how the other person experienced it and ask follow-up questions.
  • If this is not possible or you’d rather not, ask help from a study advisor or fellow student.

Who can help you?

Ask someone you know and trust for help. This person could be a fellow student, friend, teacher, or mentor. It’s important to share your problems with someone. This helps us understand what happened, and we can take action if needed. You can report the issues anonymously if you prefer.  The choice is yours. There are different people you can talk to, both at UMC Utrecht and the University of Utrecht. If you’re unsure whom to approach, go to your academic advisor. They will help you identify your needs, suggest actions, and find support.

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