
Good to hear your opinion! Below you can see how others voted. And what you can do to contribute to an open, stimulating and safe workplace. The toolkits will help you do just that:

Thesis 1 of 4

I am not afraid to speak up if I see anything happening

This interim survey indicates that a large proportion of the respondents find it difficult to speak up when they see undesirable behavior happening to others. By speaking up, you make other people aware of their undesirable behavior and you support someone who may find this difficult themselves. Read how you can act in such a situation, both with respect to someone who experiences unwanted behavior and the person who exhibits it, and speak up next time. 

47% Yes 9 votes
53% No 10 votes
0% Other 0 votes
Thesis 2 of 4

I can indicate my boundaries.

The majority of respondents believe they are capable of indicating their boundaries. That is positive and important in the working environment we want to create for ourselves. In such a workplace you interact with each other by indicating, understanding and respecting each other’s boundaries. That creates a workplace where for students and staff members of UMC Utrecht can be happy. You recognize this by an atmosphere of understanding and cooperation, where your colleagues and you are willing to work together on solutions that work for everyone. It is always advisable to go through the tips to get to know your own boundaries or get to know them better. Together we work on a working environment where everyone can set their boundaries.

70% Yes 19 votes
30% No 8 votes
0% Other 0 votes
Thesis 3 of 4

I am not afraid to be open and honest with the people I work and learn with

The majority of respondents believe they are not afraid to be open and honest. That is positive and important in the working environment we want to create for ourselves. At work you interact with each other by sharing your opinions or reactions in a professional manner. By speaking up, listening to each other and trying to understand each other through questions, we remain accessible to each other.  Together we work on a working environment where everyone dares to be open and honest.

71% Yes 15 votes
29% No 6 votes
0% Other 0 votes
Thesis 4 of 4

I understand what I can and cannot say

The majority of respondents is aware of what they can and cannot say. By paying attention to the reaction of the other person, or asking how best to say things, you can already learn a lot about your own communication and language use. When dealing with others, make sure to share your opinions or reactions in a professional manner, ask for feedback and apply feedback in your dealings with students and staff members.  Together we are working on a working environment where everyone understands what they can and cannot say.

73% Yes 8 votes
18% No 2 votes
9% Other 1 votes