I have been challenged on my behavior

What can you do?

  • Keep an open mind: really listen to the other person.
  • Realize that boundaries are personal and therefore different for everyone.
  • If you didn’t mean to cross a line and you’re sorry, offer your sincere apologies.
  • Agree how you will deal with each other in the future.
  • If you do not recognize the situation or if you feel you have been wrongly accused, ask a manager or a colleague who can offer help.

What can help you?

  • You can use the rules of giving feedback to give and receive feedback.
  • Write down for yourself what happened and what this does to you. If necessary, ask support from a friend or colleague.

Who can help you?

Ask support from someone you trust. If it doesn’t feel right to discuss something with your manager, or if it doesn’t help, you can always contact the counselors of UMC Utrecht. Even if you are in doubt. It can keep a situation from getting worse. All conversations between staff members and these helplines are confidential.

​Central counselor

Ms. Michèle Huisman

Local counselors:

  • Ms. Linda Dol
  • Mr. Marc de Sain
  • Mr. Gijsbert van Wandelen
  • Mw. Ina van de Streek 
  • Ms. Margje Jansen
  • Ms. Tanja Westrik

Scientific integrity contact:

Mr. Bobby Koeleman

All staff members can be reached every day through the secretarial office, Ms. Ineke van Krieken: